Lugg Meadows doing their thing
Welcome to another of our irregular newsletters . Time flies - it is 7 months since our last update so plenty to update everyone with.
Congratulations to all those involved in Spring racing - whether it was the first 5k or park run, Boston or London Marathon a sprint up the Black Mountains - or in Ian’s case an epic run across Bannau Brycheiniog - keep us posted on your adventures.
Club membership continues to climb - at the time of writing, we have 112 paid-up members - the strongest the club has been for a number of years. This is thanks to a huge amount of effort by a swathe of people across the club. We welcome every new member to the Blues ( with a bit of white).
Peter Smith - many of you were great friends with Pete - one of the founding members of our club. Pete died peacefully earlier this year and had a typical no-fuss cremation arrangement. The club sent his family some flowers on behalf of all of us - Pete will be much missed.RIP Peter
Who’s that in the red shirt
Our second ten-week beginners programme starts on 27th April with huge thanks to Kate Green. The first programme was a big hit and we are delighted to welcome runners from that cohort to our regular training schedule - if you can spare a bit of time on a Thursday evening let Kate know as support is always welcome. The programme really is something special - not your average Couch to 5k - the course teaches techniques most experienced runners have missed out on - a fab initiative.
Kate has also been leading 3 Get Ready To Run technique sessions in the 3 weeks leading up to RUN Hereford on 14 May - another new initiative that we can build on as a club - please let Kate have your feedback.
At RUN Hereford on May 14th we are once again hosting the 10k and half marathon water station - it’s great fun and makes a real difference to the event - if you aren’t running come and join us - meet at the Cattle Market at 9.30.
Becks White leads the first of our new Sunrise Sessions on Fri 28th April at the crack of dawn on the terrace at the hospice overlooking the Checkley Hills. This offering is something new to the running community - a combination of yoga, gentle running and coffee - there are still a few slots left if you are swift - details here .
Thanks to Becks for agreeing to run these sessions - Becks is new to the club but known to many via her Starlight Dance Company.
Brent, Amelia and the social committee are organising a 40th-anniversary quiz on Fri 19 May - 8 pm - so time to have your dinner first and feed the cat - it will be a great night so get your pals together and sign up here
We are hoping to do a parkrun takeover during the summer. We will need volunteers to pace the event and help out as volunteers - details soon once we have had a chat with the co-ordinating group.
The infamous Crocodile 8 race approaches fast - Sunday May 28th - if you aren’t running, we desperately need a small army of volunteer marshals - bring your friends, neighbours, and bank manager. This is a major undertaking for the club and we need as much help as we can get - it’s a great community event with beer and a dance afterwards - watch out Brent. We will also be awarding the Jan Edwards Crocodile Cup to the first woman from the county to cross the line.
Dates for your diary - the Summer XC series is a great club event – usually around 5 miles in lovely countryside – more details soon – but please pencil in dates – all Wed evenings at around 7 ish
June 14th
June 28th
July 12th
July 26th
Put Sat June 24th in your diary too. Not because it is International Ragweed Day (look it up) but - we are organising a club day out at a farm on the Offa’s Dyke - we hope to be able to offer technique training, strength and conditioning, runs on the Dyke footpaths for all abilities, a firepit to cook your food, space for the kids to run around and a long drop loo - what more can you ask for - details to follow soon but the date is confirmed - offers of help from anyone and everyone, please. Separately, Amelia is looking at organising a day away with Element Activities run by UK Fell Running champ Ruth Pickvance - more soon.
Who is that in the background left behind, girls?
Thanks to Ed and Eve at Bearwood Farm we are back again in August for a new Wye Valley Event - the Bearwood 10k Trail Series. It is the same route as the winter Cross country but possibly with better weather. It is a smashing flat and very runnable course - ideal for those wanting a quick time and those wanting a gentle laid-back run. A few volunteers are needed again please, for parking and marshalling - please shout - full details here
Our Monday and Wednesday training evenings continue to improve. Thank you Michael Smallwood for taking on the leadership of the Monday social runs - numbers continue to creep up as the relaxed start to the week becomes a regular part of club members’ schedule. Wednesday evenings continue with a combo of track and tempo - thank you to all the run leaders on Wednesdays but particularly to Dan for designing the programme. The latest Wed schedule can be found here
We are thinking about entering a team or 3 into the WyeDean Relay on August 13th - thoughts?
Then just before the winter Cross Country Season starts we are pleased to be working with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust for a new 5k family race - Run For the Woods - Sunday Sept 17.