We are having another brilliant season in the cross country league and an incredible 43 of the 126 runners at Monkhall Farm represented Wye Valley Runners. Including race marshals our turn-out must have been touching 70. Wow!! It always good to see all the Wye Valley vests out there with runners of a wide range of ability levels competing throughout the field.
On the subject of vests we must remind our runners that it is a Herefordshire Cross Country League rule that ‘club colours must be worn’. The reason for this is to help officials identify runners and ensure accurate placement and scoring. Anyone who has spent any time on a finish line will know what a difficult job this is at the best of times without trying to work out which club a runner is representing. It is also important and only fair to fellow competitors that they know which team you represent particularly in the team events.
Paul Bouston our XC Guru issues repeated reminders about the ‘club vest’ rule and if for any reason you forget to pack a vest, it happens to us all, we can usually rustle up a replacement from the troup.
We are all looking forward to the Presteigne XC where we hope to retain our men’s and women’s team titles but please be aware that it is necessary to wear a club vest.
Thanks for your cooperation and hopefully we will all enjoy the excellent post race refreshments and awards ceremony .
Wye Valley Runners