Charity Quiz and Disco Nite

Wye Valley Runners Charity Quiz and Disco nite will be held on Friday 17th May at the Hereford Rowing Club. We plan to issue 100 tickets at £12 each. A veg/meat curry plus chips and rice is also included in the price. This year all profits will be donated to our charity of the year Hereford Haven Breast Cancer another very worthy cause.
Last years event was a tremendous success and sold out several weeks in advance of the quiz nite.
We will also hold a raffle of donated prizes and have already received a number of contributions. If you wish to donate a prize please contact a committee member.
If you would like to reserve tickets for the quiz nite please add your name to the list on the club notice board which will be posted on Monday or email
Many thanks to Michelle Williams and Sarah Bowring who are helping to organise this event.

Wye Valley Runners