Supporting your club

As the Covid 19 restrictions continue there are all sorts of things we can do to support each other and keep the club momentum going until we can meet again.

Always follow the government guidelines for your daily exercise. Keep looking ahead and make sure you keep at least two metres from anyone

Wear your club vest and smile. Keep the Wye Valley Flag flying

Make sure you are signed up as a member. That way we can ensure you are notified about virtual club events. It also will help the club to get through this difficult time in good shape. We have taken a financial hit by cancelling the Muddy Woody. It was the right thing to do and we will be okay. But we have had to pay out for fixed costs and it will really help if everyone is signed up as a member. It’s less than 50p a week

Use the club team app and the Facebook pages to share your news. As time goes on this will become more and more important.