Bench in memory of Jan Edwards - informal unveil - run, walk, coffee. Sun 27 November

Join us on Sunday 27th November as we formally (in an informal way) unveil the bench bought by our community in memory of Jan. All welcome

Here is the plan:

Option 1 runners meet at 9.00 am for a 9.15 start from Burghill Valley Golf Club Tillington Rd, Hereford HR4 7RW. Run to the bench on Tillington Common led by Brian - pause for the unveil at 10.00 am then run back to the golf club for coffee. Around 6 miles - but feel free to stretch the distance.Nice n steady pace

Option 2 - as above - but walk to the bench and back following road - led by Dave - about 4 ish miles in total - then back to the golf club for coffee

Option 3. Arrive at Tillington Common HR4 8LX or W3W remain.lizards.newlyweds before 10 a.m Parking is almost non-existent so please bike, walk or skateboard. Short unveil then back to the golf club for coffee.

Thanks, Wye Valley Runners