Join us on Sunday 27th November as we formally (in an informal way) unveil the bench bought by our community in memory of Jan. All welcome
Here is the plan:
Option 1 runners meet at 9.00 am for a 9.15 start from Burghill Valley Golf Club Tillington Rd, Hereford HR4 7RW. Run to the bench on Tillington Common led by Brian - pause for the unveil at 10.00 am then run back to the golf club for coffee. Around 6 miles - but feel free to stretch the distance.Nice n steady pace
Option 2 - as above - but walk to the bench and back following road - led by Dave - about 4 ish miles in total - then back to the golf club for coffee
Option 3. Arrive at Tillington Common HR4 8LX or W3W remain.lizards.newlyweds before 10 a.m Parking is almost non-existent so please bike, walk or skateboard. Short unveil then back to the golf club for coffee.
Thanks, Wye Valley Runners