And still races keep coming.....
Richard Burton 10K
Something a little different to the normal races on offer here. Named after the immortal actor, this 10K takes place in Cwmafan. Scheduled for November 3rd this may be of interest if it doesn't clash with any local racing. Click 'Dicky' to visit the site.
Hay Hillraiser
A cheeky little 11 mile trot on the roads around Hay and its surrounding hills, and a perfect condition tester for those of you who are targeting an autumn half marathon. As always with a Hay Hotfooters event, the cakes at the end will be divine and the marshals around the course encouraging.
The race is on 1st September, so there’s just enough time to get in a couple of training runs. The application form is on the Hay website or you can enter online at just search for Hay Hill Raiser in the events section.