New Years Day 10k Race ON

We are very pleased to announce that following this mornings inspection of the area around the Rowing Club the race is still on. The flood waters have dropped significantly overnight and the towpath and car parks are now readily accessible. The river levels are not expected to rise significantly over the next few days. In the unlikely event that there is a dramatic rise in river levels we will alert you on the web site, so please check the web site before you leave for the race tomorrow just in case.

The field next to the Rowing Club is currently under water so will not be available as an overspill car park. The Hereford Rugby Club have very kindly given us permission to use their hard standing car park off Belvedere Lane. This is also clear of flood water although the Rugby pitch itself is fully submerged. We encourage Wye Valley Runners and Marshals and locals who know how to get to this location to use this in the first instance. We plan to use the Rowing Club and Greyfriars parks principally for visiting runners as it will be easier for them to locate and use. Marshals will be available to give directions. All the car parks mentioned are in close proximity to the Rowing Club but please allow extra time for parking and walking to and from your vehicle to the Rowing Club.

For those travelling to the Hereford Rowing Club for the first time it is easy to find us off the main A49. If you are travelling Northbound turn left at traffic lights after crossing river on Greyfriars bridge then first left into Greyfriars Avenue. Southbound turn right at traffic lights as you approach Greyfriars bridge and then first left into Greyfriars Avenue. There will be race signs to direct you accordingly.

The riverside towpath to the race start is very muddy so it's best if family and friends come prepared wearing suitable footwear.

We will accept entries on the day and have already received a record number of race pre-entries so looks like there will be a very strong turn-out.

Wye Valley Runners wish to thank you all for continuing to support this event and look forward to seeing you all on race day.