click to visit Muddy Woody pageLess than a week remains until our flagship event returns....
Therefore, to celebrate our impending competiton the new Muddy Woody website page is now live. All future race information surrounding the event will now be posted here. However, details of marshalling, club arrangements, etc. will continue to be posted with the news section.
Additionally please see the message below from Dave Sherwood with regard to helpers on Saturday:
On Saturday we will be meeting at 12.00 AM to set up the registration area and mark the course. As usual, many hands make light work and if you can spare a couple of hours to help it will be much appreciated.
On the subject of carparking, we also need a team to help direct drivers to the designated areas. If you are running then it will be appreciated if you can collect your number early and then help in this capacity.
Further updates regading the race will be posted on the club web-site during the next week.