Jan's Bench Appeal

Help us pay for a fitting memorial for Jan Edwards, a much loved and greatly missed mother, partner and member of our running community.

As a lasting tribute to Jan, we would like to commission a personalised oak bench which, with kind permission from Burghill and Tillington Parish Council, will be sited on Tillington Common – an area that Jan knew so well.

Click here to donate

A Shropshire company benchmemorials.co.uk can provide a high-quality bench to meet our requirements, and we will ask Jan’s family to provide a fitting inscription. We hope that we can create a happy place where anyone who was touched by Jan’s life can remember her with affection. 

Help us make this a reality and donate now. Please note you can amend the amount to date to any round £ and the options “tip” to Crowdfunder can be changed to 0% at your discretion

Cotswold Relay 2022. Saturday July 2nd

Cotswold Way Relay Saturday 2nd July 2022

This year things are a bit different and we ask that you help us make it simple and manageable.

You should read the event website carefully and please sure you are aware of the start time and location of your selected leg. If you get injured or scared - please try and find a replacement.

It is each runner’s responsibility to work out their own logistics and obviously share travel arrangements.

Note the organiser’s requirement to use the Maprun6 App for the duration of the event - this is the only way you will get a time

The organisers have also asked us to supply a couple of volunteer stewards - all offers welcome.

The club have entered 2 mixed teams for this years race and have subsidised the entry fee for each runner.

Please use this editable link and put your name down for a leg in either team. This is a first come first served basis. The £8 entry fee will need to be paid via bank transfer to


Sort Code 20-39-64

Account No 10993867

Please note that your place will not be confirmed until we have received payment of the £8 entry fee.

AGM News

  • Harry Franklin our President thanked everyone for their continued fantastic support for our club

  • Martin Flowers reflected on the club’s progress over the past year and paid respect to our dear friend Jan. The Muddy Woody and Caplor Hill race were both big successes.

  • Martin stepped down as Chair after four years of leadership of the club. Jeremy thanked Martin in the traditional way with a crate of beer.

  • Paddy Nugent was elected as our new Chair

  • Jeremy Jehan was elected as the new Vice-Chair

  • Becki Ansfield was elected Welfare Officer and joins the committee

  • Laura Tootell, Peter Smith, Dave Sherwood, Ward Linney, Peter Nugent, Martin Flowers and Marc Kendrick continue on the club committee

  • The trophies outstanding from the 2020 awards were handed out to Dan, Becky, Ian and Paddy

  • The 2021 most Improved Female Runner - Lorna Shaw

  • The 2021 most Improved Male Runner - Paul Davies

  • The Muddy Woody 6 Shield - Ian Whistance

  • The Jim Gray Trophy - Shaun Hoyes

  • Lots of new and exciting ideas from the open forum - watch this space for more news soon

Jan Edwards

Wye Valley Runners Announcement.

Wye Valley Runners and the whole of the Herefordshire running community are devastated to learn of the untimely death of our much-loved friend and colleague Jan Edwards.

Jan has always been at the centre of our Club. She was everyone’s friend, a shoulder to lean on and the life and soul of our club.

Jan excelled at her sport and won numerous awards in races across the UK and Europe. Along with her partner Brian, Jan was a fantastic ambassador for our sport. She will be hugely missed by all of us.

In Jan’s honour, the club plans to send a donation to Missing People the charity dedicated to helping families of missing persons. We send our love and condolences to Brian and all of Jan’s family.

We also pass on our sincere thanks to the Herefordshire community for their amazing support in our search for Jan.

RIP Jan.

Wye Valley Runners. 11 March 2022

Club Race Report - Muddy Woody 2022

For a club the size of ours, we should all be hugely proud of pulling off another highly successful Muddy Woody. The logistics of this event would be enough to put off most experienced event organisers. Take for example the lack of any internal dry and warm registration space, no electricity, a risk assessment with a raft of mad risks, ecological sensitivities in beautiful public woodland, no parking except potholed tracks and tight lanes, weather that pleases itself, no changing except Nigel Jones bespoke farm trailer to drop bags, and a marshal requirement that needs an army of volunteers. Not to mention Covid. But…we did it. Peter Nugent with the support of a core of volunteers from the committee and beyond worked hard for the best part of the last 12 months to make the race happen.

And off they go - Matt James positions himself perfectly to storm home to win

Race day dawned and the forecasted harsh weather was all it promised to be - harsh. But the runners loved it and the marshals smiled, and the doughnuts were devoured and we all lived happily ever after.

In the end, 100 runners chose to stay away - and 300 hardy soles set off on the new route. The course was especially pulled together at the last minute by Peter following a series of concerns from Forestry England about potential environmental damage to sensitive areas of the woods. The new course proved to be extremely popular with many experienced Muudy runners claiming the course as the “best so far”. That’s some accolade in a race that celebrates 25 years next year.

Peter Flyn tries to confuse the opposition by running the course in reverse- nice one Peter

As the race unfolded Wye Valley Runners headed off into the unknown. We didn’t have too long to wait - 47 minutes later the man from the Mountains - Ian Whistance was the first club member home. Ian crossed the line in 15th position and grabbed first prize in the Male vet 50 Cat - well done Whiz!

The blooded man from the mountains pushing hard for the finish

3 minutes later the improving Lea Wood cruised over the line with Paul Kemp just 50 seconds behind

The man can fly!

Paul smiling through it all

A minute later up pops David Klotz - great to see long time member David back in racing form - great running David

Go David go

In a great time of just over 53 minutes, Peter Flynn crosses the line next - apparently after having been temporarily blinded in one eye after losing an argument with a tree branch - much to the amusement of tail runner Simon who helped out in the traditional way - by taking a photo.

New gloves for Christmas Peter?

Laura Tootell, despite recent injury, turned on the taps to take first Vet 45 in a cracking time of 54.10 just 30 seconds ahead of Paul Davies

Laura flying past the dismayed men

Lean in to it Paul - you’ve got him

A few minute s later up pops Shaun Hoyes on his way to claim the first vet 60 Category prize in a time of 56 mins followed two minutes later by Becki Ansfield

Victory is almost yours Shaun

Happy in the mud Becki

Amela Louth then appears on the finish line looking as fresh as a daisy in a time of 1.01

Amelia cruising along nicely

Jo in her happy place - with Steve Herrington in her shadow….

Second claimer Jo Marriot - a regular face at training nights crosses the line next followed by mud queen Jane Hayde just a couple of mins later.

Jane taking the Muddy theme seriously

Ricardo Martins soon catches up with the pack finishing in 1.04 with Jo Ellis back to racing just a minute later . Second claimer Nicola Goodwin then follows with Sian Champken in 1.14 and Brent Lowson breathing down Sian’s neck 26 seconds later.

Nicola being her usual shy retiring self

Ricardo just manages to stay on his feet as he poses for the camera

Croft Ambrey accept defeat as Jo approches

So relaxed Sian

Brent in the zone

Still more Wye Valley to cross the line - next up Lindsey Flowers in 1.19, then sister in law Louise Ainger in 1.21 (no photo that we can see Louise - sorry!) followed by Jeni Whistance in 1.23 . Fantastic running by everyone.

Lindsey somehow mud free

Jen enjoying the air in the low country

Job done - tail runner Simon wraps it up again in style.

As the gear got packed away and the prizes were handed out, the club was able to show a small surplus on the day - meaning we can donate something to Missing People - the charity that specialises in looking after friends and family of missing individuals.

Congratulations Wye Valley runners on a Muddy Woody to remember - less than a year to go until our 25th-anniversary event and more to come in the summer with the Caplor Hill Race

Race report- final cross country league and series

The last race in the winter series took us to the familiar venue of Nash Woods near Presteigne. The fine weather deserted us for the first time and it was cool and pretty wet to begin with. I didn’t see much of the new course, as I was helping at the finish, but by all accounts, it was pretty challenging, if a little shorter than the old course.

The ladies were led home by team captain Laura Tootell in an excellent 8th place, despite nursing an injury. With Becki Ansfield unable to run through injury, we were delighted to welcome back Jane Hayde, who finished a creditable 24th, in her first race in WVR colours for a while. Not far behind in 27th was 3rd counter Lorna Shaw, having another brilliant run in her comeback season. Closing the team this time was Sian Champken in 48th, with yet another stirling effort to ensure a scoring team. On the day, the ladies were 5th again, but unfortunately we did not have a full team in the first race, so could not feature in the series team rankings.

The men were a bit thin on the ground also. Christian Jones led the team home in 18th, closely followed by Steven Flowers in 25th. Next in 49th was another on the comeback trail in Dave Klotz. Paddy Nugent completed the team in 56th. Further down the field in 71st and also nursing an injury was Tony Champken. Given probably our lowest turnout, the men could only finish 7th on the day.

Moving onto the series results, there were some great individual performances, by both the women and the men. With the best three performances to count, Emily Davies Finished 5th FV 40, Laura Tootell was 2nd in in the FV45 category, with Becki Ansfield just missing out in 4th. Sian Champken was equal 6th in the FV50s and Lorna Shaw won the FV60 category with three straight wins. Amazing running Lorna.

In the mens, Steven Flowers finished 5th in a very competitive M35 category. Christian Jones was 2nd in the MV50s and Mark Dunn, in his first season for us, was 6th in the MV55 category. Paddy Nugent also with three straight wins, took the MV60 prize. Tony Champken just missed out on first place in the MV65s on countback.

Despite a slightly below par performance in the last race, the men did well to secure 5th place overall in the team competition.

The final award of the day was for the club with the best age graded performance over the series. This counted every performance by every runner against an age standard, with the highest overall aggregate % determining the winner. Proving that there is no runner like an old runner, Wye Valley Runners comfortably won this award with an overall score of just under 70%. A fantastic result, to which everyone who turned out for the club contributed.

So, in conclusion, a difficult season, but everyone performed incredibly well and hopefully we can get a few more out for the next series.

Thank you - public awareness day for Jan Edwards - Saturday January 29th

Wye Valley Runners are extremely grateful to all those who turned up on Saturday to help us in the search for Jan. Over 140 people attended - an overwhelmingly positive response. All relevant information from the day has been passed on to the Police. Particular thanks to Nicola Goodwin for coordinating all of the activity and to our local colleges for opening up their car parks. Well done everyone.

Volunteer Search on Jan 29th for Jan Edwards

We are organising a volunteer search in Hereford on Saturday January 29th. We are meeting in the car park at Churchill Gardens, Aylestone Hill, at 11am. All are welcome. Please wear sturdy footwear and warm and waterproof clothing. Please bring food, water, a pen or pencil and, if you have them, a torch, clipboard and sellotape. There is limited car parking at Churchill Gardens. The nearest car parks are at Hereford Railway Station and on Commercial Road. They are a short walk away from our meeting point.

We have taken advice from the police and West Mercia Search and Rescue on how best we can assist in the investigation into Jan's disappearance. We hope to be able to share information with you but please be mindful that it is a very difficult time for Jan's family and friends. Please avoid speculation, particularly on social media.

Click here for the latest search poster

Thank you for your help. Wye Valley Runners

New Year Training plans

Welcome back to another season of Wye Valley Runners club training. As well as the planned Wednesday schedule, watch out for random runs on the team app and members Facebook page.

Don’t forget the Cross Country on 9th Jan and 6th Feb as well as the Muddy Woody on 13th Feb. If you aren’t planning to run the Muddy let us know as we will be calling for marshals soon.

Here is the plan for the next few weeks:

Wed 5th Jan - meet 6.15 at Halo Leisure Holmer Rd

Sunday 9th Jan - Cross Country Rotherwas courtesy of our pals at the Tri club

Wed 12th Jan 615 for 630 speed session for all abilities at Halo Track

Wed 19th Jan - Tempo session - details TBC - something a bit different! - All abilities

Wed 26th Jan - Back to the track for a bit more speed - all welcome

Can you help us? Club member Jan Edwards - missing

Our much loved Jan is missing - West Mercia Police issued the following statement. If you can help please get in touch with them.

MISSING || We’re growing increasingly concerned for 66-year-old Janet Edwards who has been missing since 2.30pm on Friday (10 December) from Hereford.

Herefordshire local area commander, Superintendent Edd Williams said: "This is very out of character for Janet and we are growing increasingly concerned for her welfare. If anyone has seen her or knows where she is please get in touch."

He continued: "Janet, if you are reading this, please get in touch with us asap, we want to make sure you are safe."

At the time of Janet going missing it is believed she was wearing a grey Raab puffa jacket, blue jeans and walking boots.

If anyone has seen Janet or knows of her whereabouts please call 999 quoting incident 654 of 10 December.

Winter Cross Country League - Race 3

We made the short trip down the A49 to Little Peterstow for the latest race in the winter cross country series. This was a new course around the orchards and although the weather was fine, not quite so balmy as the brilliant weather we had for the first two races. After the obligatory team photo in front of the Chucklebus, the runners lined up for the slightly manic downhill start. The runners soon settled into the first of the two laps of the orchards and adjacent fields. The course was still relatively dry and surprisingly quick, with only a few undulations. At the end of the first lap, Christian Jones led the way, closely followed by Steven Flowers. Ladies captain, Laura Tootell, was first through for the ladies. Positions didn’t change too much on the second lap, but Steven came through strongly to finish 18th, passing Christian in 22nd. The mens team was completed by Jeremy Jehan in 28th and Peter Flynn in 50th. This was the mens best performance so far, finishing 5th A team on the day. They are now in 9th place overall for the series. Laura had her usual steady run for 7th, Becki Ansfield 20th and Lorna Shaw, having another great run in 27th. Ever reliable super veteran Jan Edwards closed in the team in 38th. The ladies finished 5th on the day, but are unfortunately out of the series, having been unable to field a team in the first fixture.

Well done to all the other runners not mentioned here and many thanks to Monross Trailblazers for organising a brilliant race and producing another fantastic traditional course. We move onto Rotherwas for the next race on January 9th.

Individual men’s results here

Individual womens results here

Mens team positions to date here