Beginners Group One - the finale!

Thank you Kate for leading our first Beginners Group. Last night was the final session in the 10-week programme - but only the beginning!

On the club’s 40th anniversary, seeing it regenerated with such skill, enthusiasm and passion and with such a lovely group of new and returning members is very exciting and inspirational.

To all our new club members - congratulations on sticking with the programme through the winter months - we look forward to welcoming you as often as you choose to the club social and training schedule.

Enjoy every minute and well done all.

Well done to everyone from the club that came out and supported the group - it was really appreciated by everyone.

Our next programme starts on 27th April - details here.

Muddy Woody 6 Marshall and Volunteer briefing pack


●       To get to the race follow the signs from the Moon Pub in Mordiford. If using the satnav, the postcode HR1 4QX will get you to Race HQ. Parking capacity this year is extremely tight, so please car share wherever possible. Please note that the car parking area is some distance from the start so allow plenty of time.

●       Race Marshals please meet Dave Sherwood at 9.30 at the race start/finish – signposted off the Haugh Wood road

●       Car park and registration marshals please be on site by 9.00

●       Saturday prep. Meet Halo lock up to pack van 12.45 or at registration at Haugh Woods  at to put up gazebos and layout course.

●       Wear plenty of warm clothing, layer up and bring waterproofs please.

●       Wellies or strong walking shoes with grip are recommended.

●       Please bring a fully charged mobile phone.

●       We can give you tea after the event and a doughnut – but please bring a hot drink flask if you can and maybe a few snacks.

●       Dave will brief you on safety measures and first aid cover on the day

Race Marshal list so far – if anyone else would like to volunteer they are very welcome – children must be accompanied by an adult.


Kaleigh Ingram

Bailey Davies

Colin Baggot

Lisa Ruck

Martin Flowers plus Sat and set up

Nigel Jones

Jo Marriot

Lillian Istance

Ian Socket

Lewis and Olivia Hayde

Brent Lowson (also car park)

Paul Davies Ward

Bill Griffiths (also car park and Saturday)

Lorna Shaw

Steve Hart

Gail Colley

Kate Green

Andrew Humphreys

Kate Wargen

Dave Hider

James Vidler

Diane Thomas

Phil Smith

Lou Foti

Simon Oliver – sweeper & car park

Brian Symonds - Saturday

Ellie Bye – registration

Paddy Nugent – registration /Sat and set up

Michael Smallwood – Saturday Set up

Becki Ansfield – registration &running

Jane Hayde – registration – & running

Jo Ellis – registration &running

Laura Tootell – registration &running

Nicola Goodwin – registration and running

Peter Nugent – RD

Chris Smart - photographer

Muddy Woody 6 Runners Final briefing

This year's race takes place on Sunday 12th Feb 2023.Race starts 11.a.m sharp.

To get to the race follow the signs from the Moon Pub in Mordiford. If using satnav, the postcode HR1 4QX will get you to Race HQ. Parking capacity this year is extremely tight, so please car share wherever possible.

 Please note that the car parking area is some distance from the start so allow plenty of time. The race starts promptly at 11 am. It can be a 10/15 minute walk from the parking area to Race HQ, then another 5 minute walk to the start/finish area.

Please park as directed by the marshals along the forest tracks, follow the arrows and signs and observe the one-way system. Please note that after the race the forest gates will be locked at 2PM.

 Please note we will NOT send anything to you in advance. Your chipped race number and technical t-shirt will all need to be collected on the day from the Race HQ, before the race starts.

  Numbers will be distributed alphabetically according to surname, so please go to the appropriate table according to your name. Please collect your race number at least 30 mins before the start time. Toilets will also be located at Race HQ.

 There will be bag drop off but due to the remote location we cannot provide changing facilities - so please come prepared for the weather. Bags are left at the owner’s risk. The organisers cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage. It can rain, hail, snow or blow a gale, often at the same time so please keep an eye on the forecast and come appropriately dressed. Grippy trail shoes are strongly recommended! There will be toilets situated at Race HQ.


There is water at the finish only – bring your own if you need water on the route.


This year, we are celebrating our 25th Anniversary of the race. Part of the celebration, Beck’s White will be doing a pre-race warm up in the start/finish area at 10.40am.


The course will be clearly marked by arrows and marker tape and marshals will be positioned at regular intervals to keep you on track and offer encouragement.


There will be refreshments after the race back at Race HQ, followed by the prize giving presentations. Tea, coffee and donuts.


For your safety, please be aware that much of the course is on rough, slippery or uneven ground with exposed tree roots, loose stones and comprises the best part of 1000ft of elevation. There will be a team of medics on site to deal with any incidents that may occur.


Although not banned outright under the UKA Rules of Athletics because this race takes place off-road, we request that you do not wear headphones during the race. It is important to be able to hear instructions/warnings from marshals and the race director, before and during the race.


Results will be published as soon as possible after the race on the Wye Valley Runners website, Facebook group, Muddy Woody 6 Facebook group and on the AV Timing website.

We are unable to give refunds or hold over your number till next year. We ask for your understanding with our terms and conditions - we use them to keep the race viable and manageable.

Most important: Enjoy your run and try to manage a smile when you see Chris the photographer and when you cross the line.

Wye Valley Club Championship 2023

We welcome the return of the Wye Valley Runners Club Championship.

Here is the list of the 12 races

Muddy Woody – 12/02/23

 Brockleton - last race of winter cross country – 26/02/23

 Eastnor Magnificent 7 – 19/03/23

 Longtown Llantony Loop - 22/4/23

 Shobdon Wood – 07/05/23

 RUN Hereford 5k/10k and half – 14/05/23

 Crocodile 8 28/05/23

 Offas Dyke 15 – 17/06/23

 Summer xc – TBA

 Ross 10K – 03/09/23

 WVR Cross Country Bearwood – TBA

 Blaze the Biblins – TBA


  1. You must be a signed-up club member or second-claim club member

  2. Registration to the races is your responsibility

  3. Choose as many as you like but you must run 6 to score at end of the season. The nifty spreadsheet will select your 6 highest scoring races if you race more than 6. We think.

  4. 50 points for the first Wye Valley person across the line in each category, 49 second, 48 for third and so on.

  5. Categories are male and female under 35 then vet categories for male and female from 35 plus in ten-year gaps - no gender discrimination here.

  6. Marshal at a Wye Valley event and pick up an automatic 50 points. One marshal event maximum to score ( i.e even if you kindly marshal 3 times you will only get the 50 points once)

  7. Run as fast as you can

  8. Jerry is in charge and his decisions are final - no complaining

  9. Prizes awarded at end of the season

  10. Please make sure your race registration includes your club and age so that the results pick up all the info we need

Peter Smith - R.I.P

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of much-loved club member Peter Smith.

Peter was just a lovely person and was hugely respected and admired by everyone in the club and by his many friends in the Herefordshire running community.

Peter was a fine athlete and served the club as Secretary for more years than many of us can remember.

Peter died a few weeks before his 75th birthday - we send our love and condolences to his wife Linda and all of Peter’s family.

Free Places in the Muddy Woody 6 25th Anniversary Race 2023


We are aware some people are having to prioritise their spending and perhaps choosing not to join us in Haugh Woods in Feb next year.

Wye Valley Runners are offering up 10 free places to those who would like to join us on the 12th of February 2023 but are finding times tough and can’t afford the race place.

If you would like to apply please follow the guidelines below:

  1. Send an email to before 1 Dec with the information below

  2. Your full name, address, gender, date of birth, running club name and URN number if you have one - or tell us you are unattached to a club

  3. Tell us in one paragraph why you feel you need a free place - we are trusting people to be honest. As a small community club, we can’t afford to give away places to anyone unless they deserve it and are genuine. Please respect this position.

  4. Once that date has passed the club committee will consider all applications and confirm entry to the successful applicants.

  5. There is no guarantee that you will be successful, you will not receive feedback as to why you were not successful.

  6. There is no right of appeal.

  7. No one will know to who the free places have been allocated. Your details are sent to us in confidence - you will be treated in the same way as the rest of the runners. You will still get a T Shirt and you will get covered in mud like the rest of them.

  8. Wye Valley Runners reserve the right to close this offer at any time, without warning and without any obligation

  9. The Muddy is tough - only enter if you are fit enough to run the race - if you don’t think you are fit enough you probably aren’t. That said if you are in reasonable shape it’ a fab event.

Bench in memory of Jan Edwards - informal unveil - run, walk, coffee. Sun 27 November

Join us on Sunday 27th November as we formally (in an informal way) unveil the bench bought by our community in memory of Jan. All welcome

Here is the plan:

Option 1 runners meet at 9.00 am for a 9.15 start from Burghill Valley Golf Club Tillington Rd, Hereford HR4 7RW. Run to the bench on Tillington Common led by Brian - pause for the unveil at 10.00 am then run back to the golf club for coffee. Around 6 miles - but feel free to stretch the distance.Nice n steady pace

Option 2 - as above - but walk to the bench and back following road - led by Dave - about 4 ish miles in total - then back to the golf club for coffee

Option 3. Arrive at Tillington Common HR4 8LX or W3W remain.lizards.newlyweds before 10 a.m Parking is almost non-existent so please bike, walk or skateboard. Short unveil then back to the golf club for coffee.

Thanks, Wye Valley Runners

Little Peterstow Orchards - Cross Country Sunday 20th November 2022 Hosted by Monross-Trailblazers Parking is incredibly limited at this fixture.

Full details here gang - but you really must car share and you really must follow the instructions as to where Wye Valley should park at the event. Please meet B and Q car park at 9.30 to car share with our Club and all Hereford Clubs. Please help the team at Monross to make sure we all have a safe and happy race day. Big thanks to Monross for organising

Jan Edward’s Bench unveil. Sunday 27 Nov 10.00. Tillington Common

View from the Top Of Tillington Common

Following a very successful Crowdfunding appeal, Wye Valley Runners are delighted that the bench in memory of Jan is now installed on Tillington Common near Hereford for all to enjoy.

To thank our community, we will be holding a short and very informal unveiling ceremony on Sunday 27th November at 10.00 on Tillington Common (HR4 8LX). Everyone is welcome - parking is rubbish so please car share, cycle, walk or hang glide. Unfortunately, we can’t do much about that as adjoining fields are too wet to use.

For runners, there is of course an option to join us for a run - meet at Burghill Valley Golf Club at 9.15.

Brian will then lead a gentle run to the bench - then pause for the unveiling - then run back to the golf club - between 5 and 6 miles ish - we think. Options to stretch it out on the way back if you are that way inclined.

For non-runners, there will be an option for a walk in the vicinity led by a few members of the club. We might even find a stove and offer tea!

Please do join us to celebrate Jan’s life - deep in the Herefordshire countryside she loved so much.

Bearwood Cross Country - Wye Valley Runners and Marshall Final Briefing

Well done all - we have 49 people registered to run in the winter series. Of course not everyone can make every race - but either way this is an amazing response. Go Wye Valley

Runners - a reminder to car share, please. Location, course map etc all here

Car share from John Wood Tyres at 9.15 a.m. Next door to fire station

Numbers are available on the day only - see Laura or Jeremy.

Please wear a club vest and bring some pins.

Team photo on the start line at 10.45 a.m.

Ralph, Harry and Laura E will be handing our tea and donuts in the shed after the run.


Car park marshalls on site by 9.30, please

Course marshalls by 10 ish if poss - map of the course and marshall position below

Jan Edward's Bench

We are delighted to announce that following our Crowdfunder Appeal, a beautiful handmade Oak Bench in memory of Jan Edwards has now been installed on Tillington Common.

The appeal to install a bench in Jan’s memory had a fantastic response - rasing £1,680 in a few short weeks. Dave Sherwood, Club Treasurer organised the project and club members Paul Davies and Shaun Hoyes helped Brian install the bench in one of Jan’s favourite spots on the Common. The hand-engraved bench has words chosen carefully by Jan’s family - we hope they are pleased with the final result

Brian hopes the bench will bring much happiness to passing walkers, runners and cyclists for many years.

The club will soon be organising an informal unveiling ceremony to which everyone will be invited including members of Burghill Parish Council who were very supportive and permitted the scheme.

We are incredibly grateful to everyone that donated from all over the county and beyond. We had donations large and small and significant donations from our friends in the local running and Triathlon community. THANK YOU

When all the bills are paid we expect there to be a small surplus which will be donated to Jan’s chosen charity - St Michael’s Hospice - details to follow.


Wye Valley Runners look forward to welcoming you all to Bearwood Farm, Pembridge for the first race of the winter season.

Our thanks to Ed Collins for making us so welcome at his home.

Please follow this link for directions and a course map. Please car share as parking is limited. Your sat nav will lie about the farm entrance - please check the map and follow the signs.

The race starts at 11.00 prompt as usual. Tea and doughnuts afterwards.

The course is new for the league and is a mixed route of trail, farmland and woodland. Two laps = 10k - we think it’s a great course and expect some fast times.

Baggage and parking plan is here As usual we will have first aid cover and portaloos handy. Hereford AC is planning junior races - more of that later.

Look forward to welcoming you all on the day - if any clubs have supporters that would like to help with marshalling please shout

Wye Valley Runners

Simon Oliver - London Marathon Race Report

What an amazing day, the other runners I met , the staff on the train stations herding the throng of humanity to its correct platform using megaphones whilst being VERY patient with the odd cretin. And random strangers TALKING to each other ON THE TUBE .

Was this camaraderie or the free travel that made us all happy ? Seeing Mr Motivator still jumping and thrusting at that age . The moment when virtually the entire place stopped as the national anthem was played with the picture of Queen Elizabeth the second was displayed. The toilet queues, no names but certain club members YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED .

Many , many high and low fives with the nippers . All sorts of music , Bagpipes , Bangra , jazz . Oompah my personal favourite was the Japanese drums under a bridge with incredible volume . Some huge stacks on peoples balconies playing reggae of different sorts , some of the lyrics made my teeth itch . The golden long wheelbase landie looked swish .

The fancy dress Scooby Doo , Paddington, Darth Vader , Bobafett Father Christmas, the kids were screaming at that one. The barefoot runners , serious stuff especially when you pass the Lucazde stands and you can feel your running shoes sticking to the road , Outside a couple of pubs , people with a big sign with FREE BEER , they had some takers too A lady who shouted “ ooh go Wye valley , running for Wiltshire “ THAT one kept me chuntering for a couple of miles . The American lady , oh yes she was bloody Diamond . I didn’t realise I could ignore someone so successfully . The signs , Your running better than the government. If you run a bit faster, you’ll catch my gas bill .

The portaloos, ok it’s not all good but now I know why as a rule I go before I go . Someone,posting on the event site saying they had been scared for life by the experience. I’ll leave that one there.

The friendship of like minded souls . At the Expo when I came to pay for my (£2.50 ) can of coke and the stall holder said card only , the lady in front paid as I was ferreting about trying to find my card and refused my money. Queuing for our numbers . After hearing stories of waiting hours and huge queues it was a doddle . 10 mins tops , part of me thinks it’s a ruse to get us all into the Excel all happy so we will spend more on the shiny, shiny . I know , so cynical for one so young but £4.20 for a piece of flapjack For the first time in my life seeing tower bridge in the raw . To my mechanical based mind it was beautiful , however this was where the guy with the washing machine on his back passed me .Which leads me on to this . Which is hopefully my first WVR claim to fame , am I the first one to get the name on the screen??

One photo taken by a family friend shows a good view of my left wrist wearing a Buff that was one of Jan Edwards favourites and which I wore at CWR after I asked Brian if this was ok .. This was one of the things that kept me going .

This is the hard bit . My time . For anyone following my training you’ll know I’ve been heading for 4.5 hours . On Sunday I went to a place that I NEVER want to go again . Inside the first mile the sciatic pain on my right started , meaning no proper forward swing . Basically I was going backwards the entire race . Any other event And I would have bailed out at 5k . The thought of all that I have raised kept me going , the thought of all the people who will benefit from that day . The thought that I was NOT going to let the months of training that Anne and I did go to waste . The thought of Mel whom some of you knew and who Anne Pritchard was running in memory of and raising for St Michaels . The thought of not fulfilling a dream of more than a decade , the thought of the two wasted club spaces . The other Buff which I have carried for nearly ten years and comes out as I finish a big race in memory of a good friend . The thought of my club mates and family thinking about me and maybe tracking me . All this took me through every single emotion from shouting at the sky to a sobbing wreck . BUT , I have done it , I’m a London Marathon finisher . Well done to the Cardiff crew and to Billy in Loch Ness .

See you all soon Simon . ◦

Summer Cross Country - race report

As the Summer Herefordshire and Borders Cross Country League ( aka The cross country) drew to a close Wye Valley Runners did themselves proud with a solid turnout throughout the season with some tip top personal performances. Some fab new courses in some of the County’s finest spots - finished off with Cider at Westons - what more can you ask for.

Lorna Shaw brought it home with the Gold Medal in the FV60 Category, Amelia Louth in her first season in a Blue vest finishing 4th overall in the senior women’s cat ,Jeremy Jehan picking up silver in the MV50 cat ,James Vidler silver in the MV60 only just behind Dave Williams from our neighbours, Lynne Compton silver in the FV55 cat, second claimer Jo Marriott gold in Fv50 cat,Niall Consadine in his first season with us 12th in the senior M cat, Rob Gilligan 7th in the MV55 cat, life member Mike Shaw in his HTC vest bronze in the MV70 cat, Ralph Lloyd 4th in the MV60’s , Jo Ellis 7th in the highly competitive FV40 cat, Emily Davies breathing down Jo’s neck in 8th, Gordon Truluck 4th in the MV65 cat with Mark Dempsey just behind Gordon . Other club members had some great performances through the season but didn’t manage to race three races to qualify for an overall placing.

Our thanks to the organising committee for all their hard work,to Ready Set Go Timing for the chip timed results, to Ludlow, Builth,Couriers and Ledbury for hosting the series - and we look forward to returning the favour in the winter series.

Costwold Way Relay Final Instructions

Costwold Way Relay 2022 Final Instructions -

Please download maprun6 from the relevant app store and your own name and other user details (see example below). You should enter your team number and name in the ‘club or team’ field. Please check what team you are in and enter either:

95 Wye Valley Runners Team 1

96 Wye Valley Runners Team 2

If you are signed up and haven’t yet paid the £8 fee to the club, then please do to secure your place. The bank transfer details are:


Sort Code 20-39-64

Account No 10993867

Please see further race instructions are attached below.

Berrington Hall Cross Country Report. Wed 1 June

Seventeen Wye Valley Runners along with their support team headed off to Berrington Hall for the first race in the 2022 Summer Off Road league. On a perfect summer evening, 216 runners from all over the county and beyond were treated to private access to the Berrington Hall Estate courtesy of the National Trust and hosted by Ludlow Runners.

We welcomed Amelia, Leah and Gordon to their first Cross Country Race in a Wye Valley Vest - well done you lot and thanks for turning out to support the club.

The new course led the team over a two-lap course around the estate with enough ups and downs to challenge most people -about 4 and a bit miles depending on how expensive your Garmin is.

A gentle downhill start meant everyone started too quickly but soon the course took its revenge with a steady climb uphill before dropping down to the lake then up again and back around to do another lap.

Jeremy seemed to be relishing his new vet 50 Category romping home as the first WVR male and first overall male vet 50 and led the first Wye Valley team home in 9th position overall. The rest of the team scoring points to claim the 9th slot were Peter F, Niall, Amelia, Lynne and Jane - well done all. Amelia was the first of the Wye Valley women to finish in an impressive time of 37 mins and 6th place in the senior women’s category.

By the time we jumped back int he van to head back home the reusts were there for all - technology has arrived . Full results here

Great to see friends old and new enjoying racing, eating doughnuts and making the most of the fantastic countryside. Next event is Wed June 22 - Fforest Farm - details to follow.